Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Michael Clayton

Debut: 2007
Director: Tony Gilroy
Starring: George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, Sydney Pollack, Tom Wilkinson

Um, not impressed. At all. For real. I have to say, after seeing a number of the Oscar nominees this year, I was disappointed. I have yet to see both There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men, so I won't make that completely affirmative.

But, needless to say, not totally sure why Tilda Swinton got an Oscar for this. The entire movie just wasn't that exciting, and left me wondering what all the hype was about.

Aside from being entirely too long, it was anti-climatic. Not only that, but the entire movie was like an action version of Erin Brokovich - all about finding that some corporation had information about harming people and someone else trying to hunt it down.

If you want to see it, judge for yourself. But don't ask me for your two hours back.

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