Sunday, June 22, 2008

Valley Girl

Debut: 1983
Director: Martha Coolidge
Starring: Nicholas Cage, Deborah Foreman

What was it with the 80s and this theme of people that aren't supposed to be together being together? That's the theme, apparently, of like every single teen film from the 80s! I'm not dissing it, because I wish to God I would have been a teenager in the 80s, but they could have maybe come up with more than one plot for these films.

Anyways, Valley Girl is about a girl, from the Valley, duh, who ends up falling for this guy, Randy, who she isn't supposed to be with. That's pretty much it.

At one point she does switch back to her ex for the sole reason that it's who her friends want her to be with. I know the film was kind of pointed at making fun of the whole social scene (especially the way these Valley chickees spoke) and the film was entertaining enough. It's worth seeing just to say you have.

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