Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Painted Veil

Debut: 2006
Director: John Curan
Starring: Edward Norton, Naomi Watts

You'll notice that I read this book a few weeks ago, loved it, and felt absolutely compelled to find the movie.

Like most movies-based-on-books, this one isn't as good as the book, but I still think it was excellent.

I don't think they set up the emotions quite as well. I doubt that makes sense, but in the movie they kind of breezed through the main character, Kitty, cheating on her husband and how involved she really became with her lover, and how much it hurt them both to dive into this cholera epidemic.

I still enjoyed the film though. Somehow it didn't make me cry (I have become the biggest wuss and cry at like everything these days) but it was still a great movie. Enjoy!

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